We are in the last week of our Wind/Water unit. This week we've been talking about how our weather changes with the different seasons, and what kinds of clothes we need for the seasons and weather. Here's what we will be reading this week.
Small Groups
Monday NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday Matching uppercase to lowercase snowflakes
Wednesday Float and Sink experiment
Thursday Cutting geometric shapes to make things that move in the wind
Friday Sorting big, medium, and small snowflakes
Choice Time
Red Table Using sorting bears to build color words
Yellow Table Making tracks in the snow with animals and ink pads
Green Table Hungry Hungry Hippos
Blue Table Making rain chains
Rug Marble run
Blocks Building snowmen with blocks
Dramatic Play Dunkin Donuts
Sensory Table Moon Sand
This week we are practicing the letter N
-The Barnyard Buddies